Prof. Dr. Alessio Micheli received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Pisa, Italy, in 2003.

Currently, he is Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Pisa, where he is the head and scientific coordinator of the Computational Intelligence & Machine Learning Group (CIML), part of the Research Network.

He is the national coordinator of the "Italian Working group on Machine Learning and Data Mining" (with around 50 participating groups) of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence and  co-chair of the IEEE CIS Task Force on Reservoir Computing.
He is an elected member of the Executive committee of the European Neural Network Society – ENNS.


His research interests include machine learning, neural networks, deep learning, with an emphasis on novel approaches for learning in structured domains (sequence, tree and graph data), including recurrent and recursive neural networks, reservoir computing, probabilistic and kernel-based learning for non-vectorial data and, in particular,  a pioneering contribution in the field of  constructive convolutive deep neural networks for graphs (IEEE TNN, 2009).


He has been involved in several national and European projects in the fields of computational intelligence, robotics and bio-cheminformatics and healthcare. In these research areas, he has authored (at 2021) over 160 articles in international refereed journals and conferences.


He joined the program committees of several conferences and workshops in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence and he currently serves as a member of the senior program committee (SPC) of IJCAI-ECAI 22 and as an Associate Editor of IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.


Publications (with citations and H-index):