Computational Neuroscience course  
A.A. 2017/18 and following years - Second semester
Master programme in in Bionics Engineering
Master programme in Computer Science
Alessio Micheli and Claudio Gallicchio

CNS is part of Applied Brain Science (Cod. 001MA) - Master programme in Bionics Engineering

For the Master programme in Computer Science CNS has Code 674AA.

Note (since 2016): Machine Learning: neural networks and advanced models (AA2) (Master programme in Computer Science - Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Informatica) is borrowed from CNS.

The objectives of "Computational neuroscience" class include:
- bio-inspired neural modelling, spiking and reservoir computing neural networks,
- advanced computational neural models for learning,
- architectures and learning methods for dynamical/recurrent neural networks for temporal data and the analysis of their properties,
- the role of computational neuroscience in real-world applications (by case studies).

Instructors (2017 and following years): Alessio Micheli, Claudio Gallicchio, plus possible seminars.

Moodle (elearning platform) for CNS: CNS material with CNS info (time schedule and other info), slides, labs, etc.

- Monday 11.30-13.30 SI3 (Polo B Ingegneria)
- Wednsday 15.30-18.30 SI3 (Polo B Ingegneria)

See on the map:

First lecture (2019): Wednsday 4 March 2019.


Alessio Micheli. E-mail:
Link to Home page.
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