Learning Python

Summarising How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

About this Edition

This is a shorten version of the original book by Runestone Interactive <http://runestoneinteractive.org>. This version has been modified by me for the lectures of Laboratorio di Algoritmi at Informatica Umanistica, University of Pisa. I modified the original version according to GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3. I am redistributing the new material under the same License. The original Forward, Prefaces, and Contributor List can be accessed at the end of the table of contents.

About the Original Project

The original interactive book is a product of the Runestone Interactive Project at Luther College, led by Brad Miller and David Ranum. There have been many contributors to the project.

The Runestone Interactive tools are open source and we encourage you to contact us, or grab a copy from GitHub if you would like to use them to write your own resources.


Andrea Marino: email marino@di.unipi.it