
  1. Write a program that prints We like Python's turtles! 1000 times.





  2. Write a program that uses a for loop to print
    One of the months of the year is January
    One of the months of the year is February
    One of the months of the year is March
    etc ...





  3. Assume you have a list of numbers 12, 10, 32, 3, 66, 17, 42, 99, 20

    1. Write a loop that prints each of the numbers on a new line.
    2. Write a loop that prints each number and its square on a new line.



  4. Write a program that prints all the possible pairs of numbers between 5 and 10.



  5. Write a program that prints all the possible triples of numbers x,y,z where x is in between 5 and 10, y is in between 6 and 12, z is in between 7 and 13.



  6. Write a program that prints all the possible pairs of numbers x,y with x,y between 0 and 10, where x is even and y is odd.



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