This illustration shows a subscriber-specific Oracle Context. The root of the directory information tree is named Site Root. A dotted line on the left connects the root to the Subscribers node. A dotted line on the right connects the Site Root to the Root Oracle Context for the entire site. The Subscribers node serves as the root of a subtree. A dotted line on the left connects the Subscribers node to Other Subscribers. A line on the right connects the Subscriber node to the myCompany subtree. A branch on the left of the myCompany node extends to the Users node. On the left of the Users node, a branch extends to Sales, which, in turn, connects to two leaves: User 1 (orcluser) and User 2. A branch on the right of the Users node extends to the HR node, which has one branch extending to User 3. Moving back up the tree to the myCompany node, a branch to the right extends to the Oracle Context node. To the left of the Oracle Context node, a branch extends to the Group node, which, in turn extends to the Admin Group node. To the right of the Oracle Context node, a branch extends to the Products node. To the left of the Products node, a branch extends to the Oracle Components node. To the left of the Oracle Components node, a branch extends to the Oracle Component Groups (orclGroup) node. To the right of the Oracle Components node, a branch extends to the Oracle Component Entries node. Moving back up the tree to the Products node, a branch on the right of that node connects it to the Common Node, under which reside Common Information.