
Journal articles

Bocci A, Forti S, Ferrari GL, Brogi A. Secure FaaS orchestration in the fog: how far are we?. Computing, vol. 103, pp. 1025–1056, 2021).

Brogi A, Forti S, Guerrero C, Lera I. How to Place Your Apps in the Fog – State of the Art and Open Challenges. Software: Practice & Experience, Wiley, vol. 50, issue 5, pp. 719-740, 2020.

Forti S, Ibrahim A, Brogi A. Mimicking FogDirector application management. Computer Science – R&D, vol. 34, issue 2-3, pp. 151-161, 2019.

Forti S, Ferrari G, Brogi A. Secure Cloud-Edge Deployments, with Trust. Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier, vol. 102, pp. 775-788, 2020.

Forti S, Gaglianese M, Brogi A. Lightweight Self-Organising Distributed Monitoring of Fog Infrastructures. Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier, vol. 114, pp. 605-618, 2021.

Forti S, Paganelli F, Brogi A. Probabilistic QoS-aware Placement of VNF Chains at the Edge. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, pp. 1-36, 2021.

Forti S, Pagiaro A, Brogi A. Simulating FogDirector Application Management. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Elsevier, vol. 101:102021, 2020

Neri D, Soldani J, Zimmermann O, Brogi A. Design principles, architectural smells and refactorings for microservices: A multivocal review. SICS Software-Intensive Cyber-Physical Systems, volume 35, issue 1, pages 3-15, 2020.

Wurster M, Breitenbücher U, Falkental M, Krieger C, Leymann F, Saatkamp K, Soldani J. The Essential Deployment Metamodel: A Systematic Review of Deployment Automation Technologies. SICS Software-Intensive Cyber-Physical Systems, volume 35, issue 1, pages 63-75, 2020.

In proceedings

Astuti G., Brogi A, Forti S. Making a Business Out of (Predictive Application Management in) the Fog. IEEE International Workshop on Internet of Things: Networking Applications and Technologies (IoTNAT 2019), held in conjunction with IEEE FMEC 2019.

Bodei C, Degano P, Ferrari GL, Galletta L. Revealing the trajectories of KLAIM tuples, statically. In M. Boreale, F. Corradini, M. Loreti, and R. Pugliese Eds, Models, Languages, and Tools for Concurrent and Distributed Programming, Lucca, Italia, volume 11665 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 437–454, Springer, 2019.

Bodei C., Degano P, Ferrari GL, Galletta L. Security Metrics at Work on the Things in IoT Systems. In A. Di Pierro et al. Eds, Chris Festschrift, London, UK, 2019, volume 12065 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 1–23, Springer, 2020.

Brogi A, Carrasco J, Duran F, Pimentel E, Soldani J. Robust management of trans-cloud applications. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2019).

Brogi A, Ferrari GL, Forti S. Secure Apps in the Fog: Anything to Declare?. In: Fazio M., Zimmermann W. (eds) Advances in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing. ESOCC 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1115. Springer, Cham.

Brogi A, Forti S, Gaglianese G. Measuring the Fog, Gently. 17th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2019).

Brogi A, Forti S, Guerrero C, Lera I. Meet Genetic Algorithms in Monte Carlo: Optimised Placement of Multi-Service Applications in the Fog. IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing (EDGE 2019).

Brogi A, Forti S, Guerrero C, Lera I. Towards declarative decentralised application management in the fog. 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW).

Brogi A, Neri D, Soldani J. Freshening the air in microservices: Resolving architectural smells via refactoring. Service-Oriented Computing – ICSOC 2019 Workshops.

Busi M, Degano P, Galletta L. Control-flow Flattening Preserves the Constant-Time Policy. In M. Loreti and L. Spalazzi Eds, Proc. 4th Italian Conference on Cybersecurity ITASEC, Ancona, Italia, 2020.

Busi M, Degano P, Galletta L. Robust Declassification by Incremental Typing. In C. Landwehr, D. Pavlovic, J. Meseguer and J. Guttman Eds, Meadows Festschrift, volume 11565 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 45–69, Springer, 2019

Busi M, Noorman J, Van Bulck J., Galletta L, Degano P, Mühlberg JT, Piessens F. Provably Secure Isolation for Interruptible Enclaved Execution on Small Microprocessors. In Proc. 33rd IEEE CSFW, Boston, USA, IEEE Computer Society, 2020

Busi M, Degano P, Galletta L. Using Standard Typing Algorithms Incrementally. In J. Badger and K. Y. Rozier Eds, Proc. 11th Annual NASA Formal Methods Symposium 2019, Houston, USA, volume 11460 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 106 – 122, Springer, 2019.

Ceragioli L, Degano P, Galletta L. MuAC: Access Control Language for Mutual Benefits. In M. Loreti and L. Spalazzi Eds, Proc. 4th Italian Conference on Cybersecurity ITASEC, Ancona, Italia, 2020.

Ceragioli L, Degano P, Galletta L. Are All Firewall Systems Equally Powerful? In Procs of ACM SIGSAC 14th Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security, London, United Kingdom, 2019, pages 1 – 17.

Ceragioli, L., Degano P., Galletta L. Checking the Expressivity of Firewall Languages. In M. S. Alvim et al. Eds, The Art of Modelling Computational Systems: A Journey from Logic and Concurrency to Security and Privacy, volume 11760 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 86–100, Springer, 2019.

Danelutto M, De Sensi D, Mencagli G, Torquati M. Autonomic management experiences in structured parallel programming. 2019 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2019).

Forti S, Brogi A. Continuous Reasoning for Managing Next-Gen Distributed Applications. 36th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP) – TCs, EPCTS, 2020

Soldani J, Luthmann L, Lochau M, Brogi A. Testing conformance in multi-component enterprise application management. To appear in 8th European Conference On Service-Oriented And Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2020).

Wurster M, Breitenbücher U, Brogi A, Falazi G, Harzenetter L, Leymann F, Soldani J, Yussupov V. The EDMM Modelling and Transformation System. 17th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2019), Demonstration track, In press.

Wurster M, Breitenbücher U, Brogi A, Harzenetter L, Leymann F, Soldani J. Technology-agnostic Declarative Deployment Automaticion of Cloud Applications. To appear in 8th European Conference On Service-Oriented And Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2020).

Wurster M, Breitenbücher U, Brogi A, Leymann F, Soldani J. Cloud-Native Deploy-Ability: An Analysis of Required Features of Deployment Technologies to Deploy Arbitrary Cloud-Native Applications. 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Service Science (CLOSER 2020).

Wurster M, Breitenbücher U, Harzenetter L, Leymann F, Soldani J, Yussupov V. TOSCA Light: Bridging the Gap Between TOSCA Specifications and Production-Ready Deployment Technologies. 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Service Science (CLOSER 2020)

Wurster M, Breitenbücher U, Harzenetter L, Leymann F, Soldani J. TOSCA Lightning: An Integrated Toolchain for Transforming TOSCA Light into Production-Ready Deployment Technologies. 32nd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2020), Demonstration track.

Yussupov V, Breitenbücher U, Krieger C, Leymann F, Soldani J, Wurster M. Pattern-based Modelling, Integration, and Deployment of Microservice Architectures. 24th IEEE International EDOC Conference (EDOC 2020).