In a reduce, each data item appearing onto the output stream is splitted into its basic components, and all the components are "summed-up" by using a binary associative and commutative function g. In the simplest case (the one currently implemented in ocamlp3l, the reduce skeleton "sums-up" all the elements of a vector by using a commutative and associtaive function (commutativity and associativity are to be guaranteed by the user providing the function!)

Functionally reduce f has type

'a vector stream -> 'a stream
provided that the function f has type

'a -> 'a.

Given the input stream :xn:...:x1:x0: the reduce reduce(f) computes the output stream :(fold f xn):...:(fold f x1):(fold f x0): where we have let rec fold f = function [x] -> x | x::rx -> f(x (fold f rx));;

In terms of (parallel) processes, a vector data item appearing onto the input stream of a map is processed by a logical tree of processes. each one of the processes is able to compute the fuction g. The resulting process network looks like the following:

Have a look at the reduce behaviour, in terms of data items processed.

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