These instructions serve only as an aid to compilation and do not replace the Regulation
which are the only valid reference.
The form for the travel request must be compiled by the person travelling.
The signature necessary is that of the applicant or of the fund holder if different from the applicant.
- The necessary authorization permits can be provided separately and subsequently to the travel approval,
but only prior to making the trip.
- In case of additional authorizations needed, enter the reason in the "Notes" field. e.g:
a) absence of public transportation compatible with the travel times
a) the need to transport bulky materials
a) less expensive compared to ordinary means
b) extra-urban taxis due to the absence of public transport compatible with timetables
b) business class flight for long journey
b) business class flight due to the absence of less expensive fares
c) departure from the location where the applicant is for work reasons
c) arrival in a location that the applicant must reach for work reasons
c) departure from/arrival in the place of residence, cost limited to that with departure from/arrival in Pisa
c) departure from/arrival in a location where the applicant is for personal reasons, cost limited to that with departure from/arrival in Pisa
d) absence of alternative accommodation
d) need to reside at the conference venue
d) need to participate in a work lunch that exceeds specified expenses
These instructions serve only as an aid to compilation and do not replace the
which is the only valid reference.
The reimbursement/advance payment request form must be completed by the undersigned applicant,
specifying the procedures for carrying out the trip and attaching receipts and proof of expenses documentation
The proof of expenses documents must be consigned in their original form, except those available only in electronic format
(for which a printed version is sufficient), and those held by another administration, for
which the applicant certifies compliance with the original in accordance with Art. 19, 47, 48, 74 of Law 445/2000.
The administration is obliged to accept such self-declarations, otherwise it constitutes a violation of the duties of the office
(Law 445/2000, art.74 paragraph 1).
- in the initial part the procedures for the effective execution of the work trip must be indicated,
which are also used for insurance purposes and in case of payment of a flat-rate reimbursement.
- the Class field must be filled with the value 1 (full professor/associate professor, managers) or 2 (other personnel).
This field is due to certain types of expenditure having different spending limits for the two classes;
- if the applicant’s own transport,
is used, in addition to motorway tolls and parking fees,
according to the UNIPI circular n.15006 of 30/11/2011,
reimbursement is of the proportional
cost per kilometer as determined by the Automobile Club d’Italia (ACI), obtainable
from the ACI link.
In this regard, indicate the information (license plate, model, hp) of the vehicle, and
use the ACI form to calculate the cost,
inserting the value on the TOTAL line in the table "Proportional Costs € / km". Finally, insert the route taken
(consistent with what is approved and with the purpose of the trip)
and the kilometers traveled. The form calculates automatically when the Calculate button is pressed.
For petrol-powered vehicles with over 17hp, or diesel over 20hp (corresponding to the maximum reimbursement limits),
ACI provides a summary table that can be used to obtain the maximum reimbursible amount.
in the Notes field: enter any information necessary to document the progress of the trip, e.g. changes with respect
to what is authorized and giving reasons, information that does not fit in the upper boxes, etc.;
- trip expense items should be included in the table "Detailed list of trip expenses".
To add a line
choose the type of expenditure from the right-hand menu.
To delete a line click on the Type field of the line to be deleted;
- The flat-rate reimbursement (only for overseas trips) replaces accommodation and urban transport costs.
For multiple periods of 24 hours, use the entry "flat-rate reimbursement" indicating the number of whole days and the corresponding total amount.
For a possible further period between 12 and 24 hours use the entry "flat-rate reimbursement 12h".
other expenses (convention/conference registration, purchases of goods and services e.g. catering, rental of meeting rooms or audiovisual
equipment, materials necessary for the performance of the trip, etc.) should be inserted in the second table,
OTHER EXPENSES SUSTAINED IN THE NAME AND ON BEHALF OF THE UNIVERSITY. These are to be considered expenses incurred in
the name and on behalf of the university. They must be authorized by the head of the institution (before or after final
calculation of expenses - see regulations) billed to the structure,
and are fully reimbursed, regardless of the method (item-by-item or lump-sum) of the trip reimbursement.
The form makes an automatic calculation of the expenses, applying, within the limits possible, the rules forseen by the
Regulations and indicating variations with respect to the applicant’s request. The administration reserves the right
to make manual corrections in special
cases that cannot be managed automatically (e.g. trips covering more than one country in the same day).
- number each expense document and insert on each line the number of the expense document (it is possible to have more lines for each document, for example in the case of hotel receipts distinguishing accomodation and telephone expenses);
- in the Date and Days columns indicate the initial date to which the expense refers and the duration in days. This information is used to check daily spending limits.
- in the Euro column, report the total amount of the expenditure, indicated in Euros according to the rules laid down in the Regulations (exchange rate effectively used or currency on the initial day of the trip). Any amounts in currency can be indicated in the Description column.
- in the Area column indicate the geographical area to which the expense refers. Use I for expenses in Italy, A-G for trips abroad according to the ministerial tables below. Use H for expenses in Italy which exceed the spending limits for food and accommodation (subject to authorization);
- for accommodation costs in Italy there is a limit of 180 Euros/day, which can be extended after authorization to 270 Euros/day (in this case use the H value in the Area column);
- for accommodation costs abroad there are no limits on spending but only on the service class.
- for food expenses in Italy and abroad there are variable spending limits, see table below.
- expenses for refeshments consumed during the day relating to coffee breaks or locations (bars, restaurants) where business meetings are held are considered essential to the performance of the trip, reimbursable within the limits of the overall limit for meals, and do not constitute additional meals;
- for the cost of meals, also in consideration of greater economy for the administration, the purchase of food and drinks at bars, supermarkets or grocery stores, even with separate receipts, is also reimbursable, provided that the expenses are attributable to the normal consumption by the person on the trip and declared as such by the applicant.
- on trips abroad, the hotel breakfast is considered as a hotel expense.
- The flat-rate reimbursement is only permitted for trips abroad and replaces only the costs of food, accommodation and urban transport. Extra-urban transport costs (including suburban taxis) are travel expenses and are therefore reimbursed separately.
Spending limits for meals and flat-rate reimbursement for trips abroad
The limits depend on the geographical area (see table below). For the flat-rate reimbursement they are the same
for all personnel, while for meals there are two classes of personnel. The university uses class 1 for ordinary/associate
professors and managers and class 2 for all other personnel. The amounts and the classification
of the areas are set by an inter-ministerial decree and cannot be changed by the University.
Reimbursement Meals
AREA flat-rate Cl.1 Cl.2
A 120 60 40
B 120 60 40
C 120 60 45
D 125 70 60
E 130 80 65
F 140 85 70
G 155 95 75
Classification of foreign countries
The classification is taken from the interministerial decree of March 23, 2011, and is in alphabetical order.
For some countries there are differentiations depending on the city. The most common destinations are highlighted.
AREA | List of countries |
A |
Afghanistan Australia Botswana Bulgaria
Burundi Cipro Comore
Eritrea Etiopia Gibuti Grecia Iran Mata Mozambico Nauru
Rep. Papua Nuova Guinea Portogallo Romania Ruanda Siria
Somalia Spagna Uganda Ungheria Zimbabwe
B |
Angola Armenia Azerbaigian Bangladesh Bielorussia Canada
Cile Cina Costa_Rica Cuba Egitto Estonia Figi Finlandia
Finlandia-Helsinki Georgia Giamaica Guatemala Honduras India
Iraq Irlanda Islanda Kazakistan Kenia Kirbati Kirghizistan
Lesotho Lettonia Lituania Madagascar Malawi Maldive Maurizio
Messico Moldavia Namibia Nepal Nuova_Caledonia Nuova_Zelanda
Pakistan Polonia Princ.Monaco Rep.Ceca Rep.Sudafricana
Russia-Fed.Russa Salomone Sanca Seicelle Slovacchia
Spagna-Madrid Sri_Lanka Swaziland Tajikistan Tanzania Tonga
Tukmenistan Tuvalu Ucraina Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanatu Zamia
C |
Albania Argentina Bahama Barbados Belize Benin Bhutan
Birmania Bolivia Bosnia_Erzegovina Cambogia Cina_Taiwan
Colombia Corea_del_Nord Corea_del_Sud Croazia Danimarca
Dominica Ecuador El_Salvador Filippine Francia Giordania
Gran_Bretagna/UK Grenada Haiti Hong_Kong Indonesia Israele
Liberia Macedonia Malaysia Marocco Mongolia Nicaragua
Norvegia Panama Paraguay Peru` Rep.Dominicana Russia-Mosca
Saint-Lucia Saint-Vincente_e_Grenadine Serbia_e_Montenegro
Singapore Slovenia Sudan Svezia Thailandia Tunisia Turchia
D |
Algeria Belgio Brasile Burkina Camerun Capo_Verde Ciad Congo
Congo_(ex_Zaire) Costa_d'Avorio Francia-Parigi Gabon Gambia
Ghana Gran_Bretagnar/UK-Londra
Guinea Guinea_Bissau Guinea_Equatoriale
Guyana Laos Libia Lussemburgo Mali Mauritania Niger Nigeria
Rep.Centrafricana Sao-Tome`_e_Principe Senegal Sierra_Leone
Suriname Togo Trinidad_e_Tobago Venezuela Vietnam
E |
Arabia_Saudita Austria Bahrein Belgio-Bruxelles
Giappone Kuwait Oman Quatar Stati_Uniti/USA Yemen
F |
Germania Paesi-Bassi Stati_Uniti/USA-New_York
G |
Austria-Vienna Germania-Berlino Germania-Bonn Giappone-Tokio
Libano Liechtenstein Svizzera Svizzera-Berna Svizzera-Ginevra